What is Notepad? (Notepad)

 Notepad is a simple text adapter program. You can use for simple typing without any format (color, heading, etc.) You can also create web page through notepad. The Extension name of notepad is. TXT (Text). To open Notepad click on start button>all programs>accessories>Notepad.   (Or).      

Click on start button>run>type "notepad">Ok.

Calculator -

Calculator is another default program of windows XP. It is just like your daily used calculator. This program provides two types of calculator.

(I). Standard calculator.   (II). Scientific calculator.

You can perform normal mathematical calculations by using this calculator. Also you can make a copy of the result to place it within any document using copy and paste option from edit Menu. Using scientific calculator you can find out the value of different angles like sin 30 degree or Ten 45 degree, even you can find out the log value as well. To run this software, go for start menu>All programs>Accessories>Calculator. Another procedure, Start Menu>Run>Calc>OK.

Character Map -

The character Map always you can select special symbols from any fonts you have installed on your computer and copy those characters to the windows clipboard for insertion into other document.


Media Player -

You can use media Player to play audio, video or animation file or control the setting of multimedia Hardware drive to hear Sound and when you use media you have a sound card. To find media click start, point program, then point accessories, point entertainment then click on window media player.

Volume Control :-

If you sound card in your computer. That support software control of the sound, volume, you can use volume Control to increase or decrease the sound coming from your computer speaker, microphone.

Features of Windows XP -

Desktop -

Desktop is the first screen of Windows XP. When you on a computer, Then your computer Stop on a screen, after some time. This screen is called "Desktop". It has some Icons (My Computer, My Document, Recycle Bin, Internet Explorer etc.), A wallpaper on the background and a bar at bottom on the screen, it is called task bar. Task bar has a start button in left side and it display current time into the right side. You can Start any program by Start button.

My Document -

My Document is folder in which stored any file & any program. When you create a file in Notepad, Paint, Wordpad, Word, Excel, Power Point etc, then your file will be stored into My Document automatically.

My Computer -

My Computer show the all drive of hard disk drive and display the data of a CD, DVD, Floppy and Pen Drive.

Recycle Bin -

Recycle Bin contains the file and folder, which you will delete. When you delete a file or folder, your file or folder will be stored Recycle Bin. If you want to restore your file, you open Recycle Bin, right click on deleted file and then click on restore command.

If you delete you file form Recycle Bin, it will be delete permanently.

If you want to your deleted file or folder not come in Recycle Bin, you will delete the selected file or folder with Shift Key.

Internet Explorer -

You can open any website by this program.


Create a Folder on Desktop -

If you want to create a folder on Desktop them click mouse right button>Point set on new>Click on Folder.

Type the name of folder and press enter Key.

Start Button -

You can open any program, change the setting of any hardware turn off computer by this button. It has some commands.

Turn off computer -

It has three option. (1) stand By- You can stand by your system by this option. (2) Turn off- Your computer is off by this option. (3) Restart- Your computer will be turn off and start again, by using this option.

Log off -

You can close current user àccount & open another account, by this option.

Run -

This command is used to open or run any program. When you click on this command, a dialog Box will be display on the screen. Type the name of program, which you want to open, and click on OK. The program will be opened.

Help and support -

If you want to help for any command and program, then you use this option.

Setting -

You can change the setting of any hardware, remove the program, create or remove used àccount, change the desktop setting , change the date & time by this command.

Program -

When you installed any program into the computer memory, your program will be display, into the program list. You can open or run any program by this option.

Create a User Account -

If you want to create a user àccount, click on start menu>setting>Control>type the name of account>next>create account.

Set the password on User Account -

If you want to create a password on the user àccount, click on start menu>setting>Control panel>click on user àccounts>choose your account>create a password>type your password, which applied on your account>click on create password.


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