Output Device


                    Output Device


An output  device is a peripheral device. The output devices receive information from the computer and provide them to users. The information that is the result of processing also referred to as output.

We are used the following output device.

*  Monitor or VDU (Visual Display Unit)

*  Printer

*  Speaker

Visual Display Unit (Monitor)

V.D.U. consists of a television screen. V.D.U. is a device used for interactive processing . Message and processing information are also displayed on the screen. Most monitors use a cathode ray tube (CRT) that looks like a television picture tube. 

A monitor display normally has 80 characters per line and 25 lines on the screen.

Mostly we can use the following Monitor.


                    The full form of CGA is color graphics adaptor. It has both text and graphic adaptor.                      It displays only black & white color. 


                   The full form of VGA is vedio graphic array. It displays picture and text with colors.                       It supports 256 columns at a time with a high resolution.

Figure 4.1- Monitor

Figur 4.2- LCD


                      Printer is an output device. A printer is a device that produces permanent copies of                          a text and graphics on the paper. Although a printer is not absolutely necessary to                           run most program.

                     Commonly used to produce letters, reports, books, tables, figures, charts, graphics,                        Maps, and pictures.

                   Printer may be impact or non-impact type. Impact printer hits inked ribbons against                       The paper to produce the impression. Non-impact printers use other methods of                              Printing. For example Thermal or Electrostatic.

                                                               Figure 4.3- Printer

                   The Printers are classified into the following categories.

                    *  Character Printer

                    *  Line Printer

                    *  Page Printer

Serial Character Printer   

Character printers are print only one character at a time. The printing speed of this printer is very slowly compared to line & page printer.

 *  Dot Matrix Printer

 *  Ink-Jet Printer

 *  Daisy Wheel Printer

 *  Thermal Printer

Line Printer  

These are high speed printers, which print a complete line at a time.

Line printers are three types.

 *  Drum Printer

 *  Chain Printer

 *  Band Printer

Page Printer  

These print complete page itself at a time as it is done by Xerox like photocopying electrostatic process. This are - 

 *  Laser Printer


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